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Faces of Interest

     I was asked in early January 2015 to assist as a sketch artist in the ongoing research of Dr. Pamela Vrünhavland.  Dr. Vrünhavland's research is in the field of Physiognomy.  Physiognomy is the assessment of a person's character or personality from his or her outer appearance, especially the face.  Dr. Vrünhavland's area of research concerns specifically how certain facial features can be associated with with certain aspects of the most violent crimes.  This research is currently being conducted as a series of interviews with inmates at the Vittle Co. Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Southeastern Ohio. My role in this research is merely as a sketch artist. Photography is strictly forbidden in the hospital.  For the sake of anonymity, fictional names have been provided for the interviewed inmates, although the details of their crimes are accurate.  The point of this website is to provide a visual reference to the research team and colleagues who share an interest in this project.  Dr. Vrünhaveland's findings will be presented at the National Council for Behavioral Health Conference in Las Vegas in March 2016.  

     For the first phase of this study, Dr. Vrünhavland has chosen to concentrate on certain inmates who have disproportionately large or small nostrils.  I have provided a brief description of each inmate's background.  It is Dr. Vrünhavland's belief that an apparent pattern can be seen after dividing the inmates according to nostril size.  Dr. Vrünhavland and her research team would appreciate any feedback or additional insight that you are willing to provide. The research team may be contacted at

by Tracy Duncan
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